Kim Huber

As Operations Manager, Kim makes sure that everything in our office runs smoothly. She’s the one ticking the boxes on our administrative checklists, making sure that every dollar is accounted for, and every required report is complete. Kim brings a calming presence to the office because she resigned herself years ago to the fact that change is constant and inevitable, and she deals with the constant change without blinking. She also has a way of looking at us when we propose a change that somehow screams “are you insane” without any movement of her features.

Kim has three kids, and she definitely excels at motherhood both at home and at work…she makes sure that we all eat by stocking snacks and ensuring frequent office lunches and she makes sure that we all get to see the reigning office baby (currently the reigning baby is Lauren’s little girl). She is also the only reason that any of the office plants are alive.