Chris Clarke

After 5 years of practicing family law, Chris has come to the conclusion that fighting over kids is even more exhausting than fighting with kids (well, at least HIS kids). It’s also really emotionally draining. That’s why he became a recognized family mediator and parenting coordinator. Even still, working cooperatively with clients to help plan how a separation will affect their kids and finances is hard work and that’s why he drinks so much coffee. Ok, that might have already been necessary because of his kids. But either way, he is the official coffee procurer for the office and makes sure that we all stay appropriately caffeinated.

Chris is an excellent listener and has an uncanny ability to probe into your brain and learn about you and what is important to you. You can talk to him for hours and only later realize that you learned nothing about him in that time! For instance, most people who know Chris well probably don’t know that he trained as an apprentice body piercer. He also plays hockey, likes to go fishing, and organizes monthly poker tournaments. Chris is a renaissance man for the 21st century.